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Within the scope of its mission as a world-wide automotive systems and components supplier, MagnetiMarelli aims at combining quality and competitive offer, technology and versatility, with the goal of making key technologies available to the final user at a competitive price.




MagnetiMarelli’s energy, interest and investments are all aimed at technology. Our mission is to deal with technological challenges of automobiles and of future mobility: sustainability, safety, connected cars and affordable mobility. We supply users with many solutions that are flexible, cost-effective and yet feature a high technological content, solutions that answer the pressing questions concerning progress and evolution of the automotive world. We push towards solutions that are sustainable at both the environmental and economic level, with innovative contents even in terms of emission reduction, consumption and safety. We satisfy the need, through telematics and infomobility, to connect cars to the huge world of communication networks, Internet and services, especially in order to govern and monitor their uses and flows, optimise their operating costs and emissions, and bring value-added information and entertainment onboard the vehicle.

Another Magneti Marelli’s distinguishing feature is our truly genuine global approach. At the bottom of it all there is the idea of being effectively close to our customers and therefore being able to offer them the best support possible. Then there is a dynamics of “exchange” and osmosis that is created in the network of our operations and localisations throughout the world: technologies and ideas born in one place around the world come back improved for further applications, applications stimulate ideas and so on, involving people and workers on all continents in a common growth. In order to sustain this type of globalisation, an “open” approach is needed, and this is another characteristic that can be associated with Magneti Marelli vision. The concept of Openness can be referred to many contexts.

Innovation is the key factor to create competitive advantage. Magneti Marelli has created, within its own organization, Research & Development departments capable of optimising the scientific requirements of the Business Units’ sectors of activity. Mechanics, Hydraulics, Fluid Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Vehicle dynamics, Acoustics, Optics, Electronics, Automation, Information Technology, Chemistry, Science of Materials and Ergonomics are the research areas present in and widely covered by Magneti Marelli’s internal resources.